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Implementations for the Tasks given in Evolutionary Robotics WS16/17. Lecturer was Jun. Prof. Heiko Hamann
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fsarbeit.imt / STW Menu Validator
Apache License 2.0Validator for menu data of the Studentenwerk. Flags stuff like "vegan stuff contains allergen milk".
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HiP / HiPCMS_Technology_Check
Apache License 2.0Temporary repository for different example projects.
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This git project is maintained for the project group Trusted communication module. We are a sub-team doing changes for clock synchronisation module.
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Stefan Laudemann / RelayMQ
Mozilla Public License 2.0Extension for ZeroMQ that provides authenticated connections between nodes.
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ZeroMQ Adapter for GraphStream and the NetStreamProtocol.
This allows you to visualize your ZeroMQ-backed topologies
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fsarbeit.imt / Fachschaftsdroide
Apache License 2.0Die inoffizielle App zur Fachschaft - Entwicklung ist eingestellt.
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Entwicklung eingestellt Der Fachschaftsfuchs ist eine Extension für den Browser Firefox. Er stellte einige Services für Mitglieder der Universität Paderborn zur Verfügung.
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Examples for developers that get started with RelayMQ
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Create written exams from Latex exam class, org-mode files. Key feature: Automatic balancing of questions between two exams, taking into account difficulty and extent, semantic similarity.
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The Goal of this Project is to implement a variant of the AlphaZero learn algorithm adapted to the board game nine men's morris ("Mühle" in german)