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this is the software tool created for my thesis "Conception and Implementation of a Situation-specific Design Thinking Tool"
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Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Movements in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Application that allows an AR and VR user to perform remote maintenance
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Examples for developers that get started with RelayMQ
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This git project is maintained for the project group Trusted communication module. We are a sub-team doing changes for clock synchronisation module.
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crc-901 / RelayMQ
Mozilla Public License 2.0Extension for ZeroMQ that provides authenticated connections between nodes.
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Stefan Laudemann / RelayMQ
Mozilla Public License 2.0Extension for ZeroMQ that provides authenticated connections between nodes.
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rbfsmi.imt / rbfsmi-ansible
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Recent Advances Data Science (RADS) seminar winter semester 2019/2020
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